Articles About Education

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Educational Administrators - Are You Interested in Becoming a School Administrator?

by Alex Newman
In order to run an institution of higher learning, educational administrators are required in order to run the day to day operations of the school, whether it be a college, a university, or a preschool. They will also frequently direct educational programs of businesses and other nonprofit or commercial organizations.

21st Century Workplace Education

by Vijaya Jayaraman
I have been in the corporate environment for many years and always wondered why do we have a training department? I always thought it should be the Education department. Education is not only in academia. In this century, it is no longer learning in school first and then goes to work, it is a life-long learning.

Do You Have the Right Education?

by Glen Peebles
Do you have the right education? Most people think of education as earning a university degree. In many cases, a university or college degree is important, but in other situations the degree may be vastly overrated. You need to decide for yourself whether a college degree is necessary, or if some other education would suit you better.

Educational DVDs - Still Good For Science Lessons

by Kimberly Stohlman
Not all school districts or science classrooms have the funds for computer technology. In that case, how does a teacher provide the "eureka" moments via Science Inquiry? This article makes the case for educational DVDs and videos as a viable solution.

Database Technology - Educational Options

by Renata McGee
In order for businesses, colleges, and government agencies to use the information stored on computers employees must be able to retrieve the data. Setting up computer databases store all the information needed by employees. Students can learn how to work with stored information by entering a degree program in database technology.

Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Can Help

by David Patullo
The internet continues to prove itself to be one of the most powerful and versatile resources that individuals can use. The search for money for education is no exception to this. The US Department of Education student financial assistance pages are an excellent example of this. You can access the Department of Education's page and begin planning your educational career now.

Maximizing Educational IT Assets - An Integration Strategy for Educational Institutions

by Peter Binkley
How to maximize existing assets and integrate with the web. Written for educational institutions that have faced restricted budgets in recent years.

Educational Problem Solving

by Adolf Agbormbai
This article reviews some major Internet contributions to educational problem solving, while elaborating on a promising contribution that offers a great deal to the reader. The article is directed at a reader who has an educational or learning problem bogging her and is looking for a way out of her predicament.

Let's Study Abroad From Home - Online Education Make It Possible

by Julie Harvard
You find a university at oversea is offering a degree program that meet your interest. But, going to study abroad is not possible for you at the moment. What are you go to do if you really interested with the degree program? Any alternative that allows you to pursue the degree without traveling to oversea?

Choosing A Good Early Childhood Education Program For You And Your Toddler

by Raymond Jones
Guidelines for choosing Educational program for Toddlers. Evaluating daycare programs for your children.


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