Educational Administrators - Are You Interested in Becoming a School Administrator?

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In order to run an institution of higher learning, educational administrators are required in order to run the day to day operations of the school, whether it be a college, a university, or a preschool. They will also frequently direct educational programs of businesses and other nonprofit or commercial organizations.


School administrators must set educational standards and policies in addition to supervising teaching staff and managers, and they also may develop academic programs in order to monitor the progress of individual students. In a larger college or university, they may have a distinct function, while in a smaller school they may perform all the roles of a school administrator.


Principals are a common form of educational manager, and they will prepare budgets and reports on school attendance and finances, and oversee the general operations of the school.


Assistant principals will help the principal manage the school, and they will schedule student classes and coordinate transportation efforts on behalf of students. They will also usually handle disciplining students and problems with attendance, in addition to recreational programs.


School district administrators are responsible for overseeing a number of public schools that are in their jurisdiction, and they may coordinate with instructional coordinators who select school curriculum and teaching techniques.


In colleges, university department heads are responsible for overseeing the academic departments of a particular area of study, such as the English department. College department heads may also serve on committees and perform administrative duties.


Educational administrators will usually work 40 hours a week, and they may have additional weekend hours in order to have special meetings with parents or teachers. Dealing with students on regular basis can also be challenging, especially at the middle school and high school principal level.


These professionals are usually required to have a master's or doctoral degree in order to occupy a management position in a institution of learning.


In 2006, educational administrators held almost 450,000 jobs in America, with the majority working in elementary, middle, and high school employment situations. Eighty percent of all teachers worked in the public sector, overseeing public schools.


Job prospects for these professionals should be excellent over the next decade, growing at about the average population rate, as educational training gains importance in the average persons life.

Most school administrators will receive excellent salaries and benefits and many receive a month of vacation annually and generous health care and retirement packages.


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To learn more facts regarding Education Administrators, visit Killer Careers, for more information about Educational Administration.

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